Chen, Y., Sim, A., Wan, Y. K., Yeo, K., Lee, J. J. X., Ling, M. H., Love, M. I., & Göke, J. (2023). Context-aware transcript quantification from long-read RNA-seq data with Bambu. Nature Methods, 20(8), 1187–1195.
Most approaches to transcript quantification rely on fixed reference annotations; however, the transcriptome is dynamic and depending on the context, such static annotations contain inactive isoforms for some genes, whereas they are incomplete for others. Here we present Bambu, a method that performs machine-learning-based transcript discovery to enable quantification specific to the context of interest using long-read RNA-sequencing. To identify novel transcripts, Bambu estimates the novel discovery rate, which replaces arbitrary per-sample thresholds with a single, interpretable, precision-calibrated parameter. Bambu retains the full-length and unique read counts, enabling accurate quantification in presence of inactive isoforms. Compared to existing methods for transcript discovery, Bambu achieves greater precision without sacrificing sensitivity. We show that context-aware annotations improve quantification for both novel and known transcripts. We apply Bambu to quantify isoforms from repetitive HERVH-LTR7 retrotransposons in human embryonic stem cells, demonstrating the ability for context-specific transcript expression analysis.
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Funding Info:
This research is supported by core funding from: A*STAR
Grant Reference no. : NA
This research / project is supported by the National Medical Research Council - IRG
Grant Reference no. : OFIRG16nov019
This research / project is supported by the NIH - RO1
Grant Reference no. : HG009937
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