Joint Learning on the Hierarchy Representation for Fine-Grained Human Action Recognition

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Joint Learning on the Hierarchy Representation for Fine-Grained Human Action Recognition
Joint Learning on the Hierarchy Representation for Fine-Grained Human Action Recognition
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Publication Date:
23 August 2021
Leong, M. C., Tan, H. L., Zhang, H., Li, L., Lin, F., Lim, J. H. (2021). Joint Learning on the Hierarchy Representation for Fine-Grained Human Action Recognition. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). doi:10.1109/icip42928.2021.9506157
Fine-grained human action recognition is a core research topic in computer vision. Inspired by the recently proposed hierarchy representation of fine-grained actions in FineGym and SlowFast network for action recognition, we propose a novel multi-task network which exploits the FineGym hierarchy representation to achieve effective joint learning and prediction for fine-grained human action recognition. The multi-task network consists of three pathways of SlowOnly networks with gradually increased frame rates for events, sets and elements of fine-grained actions, followed by our proposed integration layers for joint learning and prediction. It is a two-stage approach, where it first learns deep feature representation at each hierarchical level, and is followed by feature encoding and fusion for multi-task learning. Our empirical results on the FineGym dataset achieve a new state-of-the-art performance, with 91.80% Top-1 accuracy and 88.46% mean accuracy for element actions, which are 3.40% and 7.26% higher than the previous best results.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the NA - AME Programmatic Funding Scheme
Grant Reference no. : A18A2b0046
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