Jana, S.; Han, Y.; Parthiban, A.; Chai, C. L. L., Controlled synthesis and functionalization of PEGylated methacrylates bearing cyclic carbonate pendant groups . Journal Of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, (7), p 1622-1632. DOI:10.1002/pola.23928
Homopolymer bearing cyclic carbonate (CC) group, ABA type triblock copolymers, and (AC)B(AC) type terpolymers with statistical arrangement of A and C monomers bearing side chain CC groups are reported here. Difunctional poly(ethylene glycol) macroinitiators (PEGMIs) were prepared from PEG of three different molecular weights. PEGMIs were subsequently used for the preparation of polymers bearing CC pendant groups from cyclic carbonate methacrylate (CCMA) under atom transfer radical polymerization to yield polymers with low polydispersity index. Homopolymer and ABA type triblock copolymers were obtained by polymerizing CCMA monomer and (AC)B(AC) type statistical terpolymers were obtained when methyl methacrylate was included as a comonomer. No polymer was obtained when styrene was used as comonomer. The cyclic carbonate groups were subjected to ring-opening reaction with monoamine to yield side chain hydroxyurethane polymers with increased solubility and diamines to yield crosslinked insoluble materials. Changes in wettability characteristics were studied by following the water contact angle of the polymers before and after ring-opening reaction involving the cyclic carbonate pendant group. The polymers which composed of electrolyte in the form of PEG and coordinating species in the form of pendant cyclic carbonate groups showed conductivity in the range of 2–5 × 10−6 Scm−1 at 23 °C after doping with lithium bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide as characterized by impedance spectroscopy.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This research is supported by core funding from: Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences, A*STAR
Grant Reference no. : Grant number is not applicable.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Jana, S.; Han, Y.; Parthiban, A.; Chai, C. L. L., Controlled synthesis and functionalization of PEGylated methacrylates bearing cyclic carbonate pendant groups . Journal Of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, (7), p 1622-1632, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/pola.23928. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.