Dong, S. M.; Quek, J. Y.; Herk, A. M. V.; Jana, S., Polymer-encapsulated TiO2 for the improvement of NIR reflectance and total solar reflectance of cool coatings. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020, 59 (40), 17901-17910.
Cool coatings are solar reflective coatings and are applied on roofs, facades, and other exterior surfaces. In this work, the effect of polymer encapsulation was investigated aiming to improve near-infrared (NIR) reflectance of cool coatings. Cool coatings formulated using polymer-encapsulated TiO2 resulted in improvement (up to 10%) of NIR reflectance and, therefore, total solar reflectance in comparison to the coatings formulated using bare TiO2, especially in a high pigment volume concentration system. This is mainly due to the TiO2–TiO2 spacing and improved light scattering from the coating films. Enhanced cooling (2.5–11.2 °C) was also observed during heat buildup measurement tests conducted both in the lab under an artificial IR light source and at outdoor conditions under natural light.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the Singapore Ministry of National Development and the National Research Foundation - Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge (L2 NIC) Research Programme
Grant Reference no. : L2NICCFP2-2015-4