16. W. J. Ding, Z. M. Sheng, S. Mondal, Q. Wei, H. A. Hafez, M.A. Fareed, A. Laramée, X. Ropagnol, S. Sun, J. Zhang and T. Ozaki, "Intense THz-Coherent Transition Radiation from Laser Solid Plasma Interaction", 32nd International Union of Radio Science General Assembly & Scientific Symposium (URSI-GASS), Montreal, Canada, D13-2 (2017).
We investigate intense broadband terahertz radiation generation based the interaction of high intensity ultrashort laser with solid plasma. THz pulse with electric field of hundreds of MV/cm are generated using laser with intensity of about 1018 W/cm2. Theoretical model, simulations agree well with experiments, and reveal that the THz radiation is coherent transition radiation by hot electrons produced in laser-plasma interaction. We have studied both planar and nanorod array targets, latter of which efficiently enhance the intensity and directionality of the THz source.
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Funding Info:
A*STAR SERC Young Individual Research Grants (YIRG No. A1784c0020)