Influence of many-body effects on hole quasiparticle dynamics in a WS 2 monolayer

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Influence of many-body effects on hole quasiparticle dynamics in a WS 2 monolayer
Influence of many-body effects on hole quasiparticle dynamics in a WS 2 monolayer
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Publication Date:
13 January 2021
Bussolotti, Fabio & Yang, Jing & Kawai, Hiroyo & Chee, Jing & Goh, Kuan Eng. (2021). Influence of many-body effects on hole quasiparticle dynamics in a WS 2 monolayer. Physical Review B. 103. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.045412.
Monolayer (ML) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) emerged as ideal materials to combine spin and momentum of charge carriers for spintronics and valleytronics applications. Despite its relevance for TMDC-based technology, the impact of the various many-body like interactions of charge carriers with defects, phonons and other system’s quasiparticles on the charge dynamics and transport properties remains experimentally elusive, being commonly overshadowed by the strong ML interactions with other materials (such as substrate and contacts) introduced in standard experimental approaches. Here, a method combining interface engineering and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) enables a direct investigation of the impact of many-body effects on the hole quasiparticle dynamics of WS2 ML on graphite and extraction of relevant transport parameters. In particular, at the valence band edge, a clear ARPES line-shape asymmetry is observed, mainly reflecting the hole interaction with intralayer electrons and defects while a negligible hole-phonon coupling is found. Using the valley hole quasiparticle lifetime and effective mass extracted from ARPES data at different temperatures, we estimated a hole mobility of ~300 cm2 V-1 s-1 , comparable to some of the highest values reported by transport measurements.
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Funding Info:
This research / project is supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research - A*STAR Pharos Grant
Grant Reference no. : 1527000016

This research / project is supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research - A*STAR Pharos Grant
Grant Reference no. : 1527000017

This research / project is supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research - A*STAR QTE Grant
Grant Reference no. : A1685b0005
2469-9969 (electronic)
2469-9950 (print)
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