High-intensity interval exercise increases humanin, a mitochondrial encoded peptide, in the plasma and muscle of men

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High-intensity interval exercise increases humanin, a mitochondrial encoded peptide, in the plasma and muscle of men
High-intensity interval exercise increases humanin, a mitochondrial encoded peptide, in the plasma and muscle of men
Journal Title:
Journal of Applied Physiology
Publication Date:
07 May 2020
Journal of Applied Physiology 2020 128:5, 1346-1354
Humanin is a small regulatory peptide encoded within the 16S ribosomal RNA gene (MT-RNR2) of the mitochondrial genome that has cellular cyto- and metabolo-protective properties similar to that of aerobic exercise training. Here we investigated whether acute high-intensity interval exercise or short-term high-intensity interval training (HIIT) impacted skeletal muscle and plasma humanin levels. Vastus lateralis muscle biopsies and plasma samples were collected from young healthy untrained men (n = 10, 24.5 ± 3.7 yr) before, immediately following, and 4 h following the completion of 10 × 60 s cycle ergometer bouts at V̇o2peak power output (untrained). Resting and postexercise sampling was also performed after six HIIT sessions (trained) completed over 2 wk. Humanin protein abundance in muscle and plasma were increased following an acute high-intensity exercise bout. HIIT trended (P = 0.063) to lower absolute humanin plasma levels, without effecting the response in muscle or plasma to acute exercise. A similar response in the plasma was observed for the small humanin-like peptide 6 (SHLP6), but not SHLP2, indicating selective regulation of peptides encoded by MT-RNR2 gene. There was a weak positive correlation between muscle and plasma humanin levels, and contraction of isolated mouse EDL muscle increased humanin levels ~4-fold. The increase in muscle humanin levels with acute exercise was not associated with MT-RNR2 mRNA or humanin mRNA levels (which decreased following acute exercise). Overall, these results suggest that humanin is an exercise-sensitive mitochondrial peptide and acute exercise-induced humanin responses in muscle are nontranscriptionally regulated and may partially contribute to the observed increase in plasma concentrations.
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Publisher Copyright
Funding Info:
This study was funded by a Marsden Fast-start grant (to T. L. Merry). T. L. Merry is supported by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship.
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