Comparison of Type-N Microcalorimeter Measurements among NIM, NMC and SCL

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Comparison of Type-N Microcalorimeter Measurements among NIM, NMC and SCL
Comparison of Type-N Microcalorimeter Measurements among NIM, NMC and SCL
Journal Title:
2020 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements
Publication Date:
24 August 2020
In this paper, measurement results from an informal comparison among NIM, NMC and SCL, for primary power system with Type-N coaxial connector, are reported. This comparison aims to demonstrate the precision measurement capabilities and validate the equivalence of new replacements of Type-N microcalorimeters (for aged ones) at the participating laboratories. A commercial coaxial reference standard, thermistor mount, is used as the traveling standard, for the measurements from 10 MHz to 18 GHz. Generally, good agreements have been observed among the measurement results.
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Funding Info:
This research is supported by the Core Funding of A*STAR, Singapore and funded in part by the National Key R&D Program of China, entitled Terahertz Wave WR-3 (220 GHz to 330 GHz) Power Primary Standard, China, under Grant No. 2018YFF0212101.
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