Importance of Hydrostatic Delay Models in Deriving PWV from GPS Signal Delays

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Importance of Hydrostatic Delay Models in Deriving PWV from GPS Signal Delays
Importance of Hydrostatic Delay Models in Deriving PWV from GPS Signal Delays
Journal Title:
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
Publication Date:
15 July 2020
Studies have shown that Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) derived from the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal delays are useful in remote sensing applications like rainfall prediction. The GPS-PWV values are derived from the zenith Wet Delays (ZWD). The accuracy of the GPS-PWV values largely depends on the accuracy of ZWD values, which are depended on the accuracy of the Zenith Hydrostatic Delays (ZHD). In this paper, the effect of different ZHD models on the GPS-PWV values are analyzed using 1 year of data from 6 different GPS stations. It was found that the performance of the different ZHD models varies as per the location and an optimum ZHD model is suggested for the different regions.
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Funding Info:
This research is supported by the Core Funding of A*STAR, Singapore.
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