Removing energy from a beverage influences later food intake more than the same energy addition

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Removing energy from a beverage influences later food intake more than the same energy addition
Removing energy from a beverage influences later food intake more than the same energy addition
Journal Title:
Publication Date:
26 June 2016
McCrickerd, K., Salleh, N.B. and Forde, C. G. (2016). Removing energy from a beverage influences later food intake more than the same energy addition. Appetite, 105, 549-556.
Designing reduced-calorie foods and beverages without compromising their satiating effect could benefit weight management, assuming that consumers do not compensate for the missing calories at other meals. Though research has demonstrated that compensation for overfeeding is relatively limited, the extent to which energy reductions trigger adjustments in later food intake is less clear. The current study tested satiety responses (characterised by changes in appetite and later food intake) to both a covert 200 kcal reduction and an addition of maltodextrin to a soymilk test beverage. Twenty-nine healthy male participants were recruited to consume three sensory-matched soymilk beverages across four non-consecutive study days: a medium energy control (ME: 300 kcal) and a lower energy (LE: 100 kcal) and higher energy (HE: 500 kcal) version. The ME control was consumed twice to assess individual consistency in responses to this beverage. Participants were unaware of the energy differences across the soymilks. Lunch intake 60 min later increased in response to the LE soymilk, but was unchanged after consuming the HE version. These adjustments accounted for 40% of the energy removed from the soymilk and 13% of the energy added in. Rated appetite was relatively unaffected by the soymilk energy content. No further adjustments were noted for the rest of the day. These data suggest that adult men tested were more sensitive to calorie dilution than calorie addition to a familiar beverage.
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Funding Info:
This research is supported by the Human Nutritional Sciences Research, under the A*STAR BMRC Strategic Positioning Fund (SPF) (SFP2013/003).
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