Parents, portions and potential distortions: Unpicking children's meal size

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Parents, portions and potential distortions: Unpicking children's meal size
Parents, portions and potential distortions: Unpicking children's meal size
Journal Title:
Nutrition Bulletin
Publication Date:
16 February 2016
McCrickerd, K. and Forde, C.G. (2016). Parents, Portions and Potential Distortions; unpicking children’s meal size. Nutrition Bulletin, 41, 67–71. doi: 10.1111/nbu.12190.
Parents and caregivers play a powerful role in shaping the food environment in which their children learn about appropriate portion sizes. Parents often report just ‘knowing’ the amount of food to serve to their children, but evidence indicates that these decisions are driven by the portions parents pick for themselves. This is potentially problematic because, like adults, young children are susceptible to overeating when served large portions, which raises questions about how and when children develop their own portion knowledge. Understanding the social, emotional and cultural factors that shape children's learning about appropriate portion sizes and self‐regulation will lead to a better understanding of the calories that end up on children's plates and in their mouths, and the eating behaviours that define them as adults.
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Funding Info:
The research is supported by the Human Nutritional Sciences Research, under the A*STAR BMRC Strategic Positioning Fund (SPF) (SFP2013/003).
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: McCrickerd, K. and Forde, C.G. (2016), Parents, portions and potential distortions: Unpicking children's meal size. Nutr Bull, 41: 67-71. doi:10.1111/nbu.12190, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
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