Artificial intelligence (AI) has been positioned as being the most important recent advancement in radiology, if not the most potentially disruptive. Singapore radiologists have been quick to embrace this technology as part of the natural progression of the discipline toward a vision of how clinical medicine, empowered by technology, can achieve our national healthcare objectives of delivering value-based and patient-centric care. In this
article, we consider 3 core questions relating to AI in radiology, and review the barriers to the widespread adoption of AI in radiology. We propose solutions and describe a “Centaur” model as a promising avenue for enabling the interfacing between AI and radiologists. Finally, we introduce The Radiological AI, Data Science and Imaging Informatics (RADII) subsection of the Singapore Radiological Society. RADII is an enabling body, which together with key technological and institutional stakeholders, will champion research, development and evaluation of AI for radiology applications.
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This research is supported by core funding from Institute for Infocomm Research.
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