Funding Info:
M.J.G.W.L., C.J.D., I.M.M.v.L., G.P., T.M., S.D., M.C.C. S., A.P.-F., C.T., D.P.L., M.A.H., K.L., and S.L.: project grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation. M.H. and J.C.: Cancer Research UK (C8/A6613). M.C., E.P., and W.C.E.: Wellcome Trust
(073915). M.N. and B.V.: projects MEYS-NPS-LO1413 and GACR P206/12/G151. E.M.C., M.P., M.M.S., Z.F., and P.G.: Norwegian Cancer Society (182735, 732200) and Helse Vest (911884, 911789). R.B. and S.C.: NIH (R01 CA95684), the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Waxman Foundation. N.J.W., A.R.H., A.C.A.d’H.: Cancer Research UK (C21383/A6950) and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Program. J.L. and Y.Z.: Cancer Research UK (C240/A15751). M.H. and B.W.: SARomics
Biostructures AB. U.Y., K.F.: DDDP SciLife, Sweden. L.J., M.H., R.S., and A.-L.G.: CBCS, Sweden. VP: SciLife fellowship. AMT: Breast Cancer Research Scotland