Ultrasonic Transducers from Thermal Sprayed Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramic Coatings for In-situ Structural Monitoring for Pipelines

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Ultrasonic Transducers from Thermal Sprayed Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramic Coatings for In-situ Structural Monitoring for Pipelines
Ultrasonic Transducers from Thermal Sprayed Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramic Coatings for In-situ Structural Monitoring for Pipelines
Journal Title:
Smart Materials and Structures
Publication Date:
12 June 2019
“Ultrasonic Transducers from Thermal Sprayed Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramic Coatings for In-situ Structural Monitoring for Pipelines,” Smart Materials and Structures, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ab1e88, Vol. 28, No. 7, 075031, 12 June 2019.
Direct-write ultrasonic transducers comprising of lead-free ceramic coatings were designed and in-situ fabricated by thermal spray process onto stainless steel pipe structures. The experimental measurements and simulation analyses showed that both external and internal defects on the pipe structures could be effectively detected with the ultrasonic Lamb waves propagating along the axial direction, which were excited and detected using the direct-write ultrasonic transducers. The results suggested that the implementation of the direct-write ultrasonic transducers made of the lead-free piezoelectric ceramic coating by thermal spray method is promising for realizing structural health monitoring for pipeline structures with improved consistency and reliability. It is also an important step moving toward smart pipelines with real-time self-diagnostic function.
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Funding Info:
This project is partially supported by Singapore Maritime Institute under the Asset Integrity & Risk Management (AIM) R&D Programme, Project ID: SMI-2015-OF-01 (IMRE/15-9P1115), and under the Maritime Sustainability R&D Programme, Project ID: SMI-2015-MA-07 (IMRE/16-7P1125).
This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication/published in Smart Materials and Structures. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ab1e88
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