Li YF, Ou X, Xu S, Jin ZB, Iwai N, Lam KP. Loss of miR-182 affects B-cell extrafollicular antibody response. Immunology. 2016;148(2):140‐149. doi:10.1111/imm.12592
MicroRNAs have been shown to play a role in B-cell differentiation and activation. Here, we found miR-182 to be highly induced in activated B cells. However, mice lacking miR-182 have normal B-cell and T-cell development. Interestingly, mutant mice exhibited a defective antibody response at early time-points in the immunization regimen when challenged with a T-cell-dependent antigen. Germinal centres were formed but the generation of extrafollicular plasma cells was defective in the spleens of immunized miR-182-deficient mice. Mutant mice were also not able to respond to a T-cell-independent type 2 antigen, which typically elicited an extrafollicular B-cell response. Taken together, the data indicated that miR-182 plays a critical role in driving extrafollicular B-cell antibody responses.
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This research is supported by Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A*STAR
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