3D Holographic Display and Its Data Transmission Requirement

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3D Holographic Display and Its Data Transmission Requirement
3D Holographic Display and Its Data Transmission Requirement
Journal Title:
2011 International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications
Publication Date:
05 January 2012
X. Xu, Y. Pan, P. P. M. Y. Lwin and X. Liang, "3D holographic display and its data transmission requirement," 2011 International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Jurong West, 2011, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/IPOC.2011.6122872.
In this paper, we briefly introduce the full-color 3D holographic display system developed in Data Storage Institute. The bandwidth requirement of current system is analyzed to be about 10 Gbps. To address this requirement, the network interfaces between hologram loading and launching platforms are developed. Based on our analysis, the bandwidth requirement will increase to be in the range of 100 Gbps ~ 1 Tbps with the enhancement of system performance. Two approaches using hologram data compression and object data transmission are discussed in order to solve the high bandwidth requirement problems.
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Funding Info:
Singapore A*STAR SERC Home2015 Programme (grant no 0921150116 and grant no 0921150107)
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