Choi, S., Leong, V., Davydov, V.A. et al. Varying temperature and silicon content in nanodiamond growth: effects on silicon-vacancy centres. Sci Rep 8, 3792 (2018).
Nanodidamonds containing colour centres open up many applications in quantum information processing, metrology, and quantum sensing. However, controlling the synthesis of nanodiamonds containing silicon vacancy (SiV) centres is still not well understood. Here we study nanodiamonds produced by a high-pressure high-temperature method without catalyst metals, focusing on two samples with clear SiV signatures. Different growth temperatures and relative content of silicon in the initial compound between the samples altered their nanodiamond size distributions and abundance of SiV centres. Our results show that nanodiamond growth can be controlled and optimised for different applications.
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Funding Info:
Tis work was supported by NRF-CRP14-2014-04, “Engineering of a Scalable Photonics Platform for Quantum
Enabled Technologies”. VAD thanks the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 18-03-00936) for
fnancial support.