Wideband Star-shaped mmWave Planar Array Antenna with Liquid Crystal

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Wideband Star-shaped mmWave Planar Array Antenna with Liquid Crystal
Wideband Star-shaped mmWave Planar Array Antenna with Liquid Crystal
Journal Title:
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI)
Publication Date:
08 December 2021
Divya Kirshnan, Nasimuddin, and A. Alphones. Wideband Star-shaped mmWave Planar Array Antenna with Liquid Crystal. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI)
This paper introduces a wideband star-shaped planar antenna with a liquid crystal (LC) material at Ka-band. The antenna array consists of the LC cavity and planar antenna elements with a microstrip feedline. Planar antenna array is designed with eight star-shaped patches. To check the LC dielectric constant at Ka-band, the designed antenna is fabricated and measured result of reflection coefficient(S11) ≤ -10 dB shows across the wideband (27 GHz – 40 GHz) without DC biasing with bean scanning from -62° to +5° and gain ≥ 8.15 dBi. The frequency range can be tuned with applied biasing voltage on the LC cavity.
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There was no specific funding for the research done
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