Cocrystals of zonisamide : physicochemical characterization and sustained release solid forms

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Cocrystals of zonisamide : physicochemical characterization and sustained release solid forms
Cocrystals of zonisamide : physicochemical characterization and sustained release solid forms
Journal Title:
Publication Date:
17 April 2018
Aitipamula, S.; Cadden, J.; Chow, P. S., Cocrystals of zonisamide : physicochemical characterization and sustained release solid forms. CrystEngComm 2018, 20 (21), 2923-2931.
We report four cocrystals of the antiepileptic drug, zonisamide (ZNS), which encounters half-life fluctuation when administered adjunctly with other antiepileptic drugs. Single crystals for two of the novel cocrystals of ZNS were successfully prepared from solvent evaporation experiments and their crystal structures were determined. Pharmaceutically acceptable cocrystals were analyzed for their dissolution rate, solubility and stability to draw conclusions on the impact of cocrystallization on the physicochemical properties of ZNS. It was found that the cocrystals showed lower solubility and dissolution rates and offer potential benefits in the development of sustained release formulations of ZNS which could address issues regarding its half-life fluctuation. Recent attempts to explore newer therapeutic applications have suggested ZNS as a potential drug for weight loss management. In this regard, the cocrystal of ZNS with caffeine, which has also been used in weight loss management, promises potential applications in the development of a novel fixed-dose combination drug which could offer synergistic therapeutic benefits in the treatment of obesity.
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Funding Info:
The work was supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council of A*STAR, and a research fellowship jointly funded by the A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP) and The University of Southampton.
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