Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning of Non-Native Acoustic Modeling for Pronunciation Error Detection and Diagnosis

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Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning of Non-Native Acoustic Modeling for Pronunciation Error Detection and Diagnosis
Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning of Non-Native Acoustic Modeling for Pronunciation Error Detection and Diagnosis
Journal Title:
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
Publication Date:
25 November 2019
R. Duan, T. Kawahara, M. Dantsuji and H. Nanjo, "Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning of Non-Native Acoustic Modeling for Pronunciation Error Detection and Diagnosis," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 28, pp. 391-401, 2020. doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2019.2955858
In computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT), the scarcity of large-scale non-native corpora and human expert annotations are two fundamental challenges to non-native acoustic modeling. Most existing approaches of acoustic modeling in CAPT are based on non-native corpora while there are so many living languages in the world. It is impractical to collect and annotate every non-native speech corpus considering different language pairs. In this work, we address non-native acoustic modeling (both on phonetic and articulatory level) based on transfer learning. In order to effectively train acoustic models of non-native speech without using such data, we propose to exploit two large native speech corpora of learner’s native language (L1) and target language (L2) to model cross-lingual phenomena. This kind of transfer learning can provide a better feature representation of non-native speech. Experimental evaluations are carried out for Japanese speakers learning English. We first demonstrate the proposed acoustic-phone model achieves a lower word error rate in non-native speech recognition. It also improves the pronunciation error detection based on goodness of pronunciation (GOP) score. For diagnosis of pronunciation errors, the proposed acoustic-articulatory modeling method is effective for providing detailed feedback at the articulation level.
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