A Consistently High Gain Frequency Scanning Antenna for Portable Low-Profile Beamforming Applications

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A Consistently High Gain Frequency Scanning Antenna for Portable Low-Profile Beamforming Applications
A Consistently High Gain Frequency Scanning Antenna for Portable Low-Profile Beamforming Applications
Journal Title:
2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
Publication Date:
06 November 2018
K. T. Chandrasekaran, Nasimuddin, M. Ong, A. Alphones and M. F. Karim, "A Consistently High Gain Frequency Scanning Antenna for Portable Low-Profile Beamforming Applications," 2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kyoto, 2018, pp. 1597-1599. doi: 10.23919/APMC.2018.8617265
A novel frequency scanning leaky wave antenna with consistently high gain across the entire operating frequency range for portable low-profile beamforming applications is reported. The leaky wave antenna is composed of fifteen unit cells having an overall size of 5.15λ 0 ×0.66λ 0 ×0.03λ 0 at 10GHz. Each unit cell is composed of a SIW structure with a diagonal slot on the top metalized surface that acts as an aperture to feed three square metal rings on top of a superstrate. This structure helps to achieve a uniform gain of higher than 11dBi in the entire operating frequency range that extends from 8 to 12GHz with a continuous beam scanning angle from -60° to 60°. The unit cell design and the simulation results of the antenna have been presented in detail.
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