A Backward-to-Forward Beam Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna for Non-Destructive Testing of Cracks & Corrosion in Metallic Structures under Multilayered Composites

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A Backward-to-Forward Beam Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna for Non-Destructive Testing of Cracks & Corrosion in Metallic Structures under Multilayered Composites
A Backward-to-Forward Beam Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna for Non-Destructive Testing of Cracks & Corrosion in Metallic Structures under Multilayered Composites
Journal Title:
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT)
Publication Date:
12 December 2018
K. T. Chandrasekaran, M. F. Karim, Nasimuddin, M. Ong and A. Alphones, "A Backward-to-Forward Beam Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna for Non-Destructive Testing of Cracks & Corrosion in Metallic Structures under Multilayered Composites," 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT), Singapore, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ICIRT.2018.8641545
a novel backward-to-forward scanning leaky-wave antenna is characterized and validated for non-destructive testing (NDT) of cracks and corrosion in metallic structures under multilayer composites. Beamforming systems play a major role in NDT applications that involve scanning of a large target. Leaky-wave antennas are capable of scanning their main beam from backward to forward direction with change in input frequency. They are less complex to realize compared to other conventional beamforming systems that involve mechanical scanning or electronic beamforming. The proposed leaky-wave antenna that measures 7.51λg×0.8λg×0.036λg with operating bandwidth extending from 8.0 to 12.5 GHz is reported in this work. The coverage of the leaky-wave antenna extends from -63 to 64. The antenna is validated to be used for NDT application with simulation results indicating the scanning capability of the leaky-wave antenna.
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