Y. Huang, W. Yuan, X. Cui, Y. S. Meng and Y. Li, "WR-42 Waveguide Microcalorimeter for Thermistor Mount Calibration," 2018 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, 2018, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501076
This paper reports recent development progress of a new WR-42 (18 to 26.5 GHz) microcalorimeter in China. The waveguide microcalorimeter is designed for calibrating a thermistor mount (a common transfer power standard) in this frequency band. In the paper, development and measurement principle of the WR-42 microcalorimeter will be discussed. Performance evaluation of the microcalorimeter is carried out using a commercial thermistor mount (HP K486A, No. 1606) with uncertainty analysis.