Broadband Low-Profile L-Probe Fed Metasurface Antenna with TM Leaky Wave and TE Surface Wave Resonances

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Checked on Feb 18, 2025
Broadband Low-Profile L-Probe Fed Metasurface Antenna with TM Leaky Wave and TE Surface Wave Resonances
Broadband Low-Profile L-Probe Fed Metasurface Antenna with TM Leaky Wave and TE Surface Wave Resonances
Journal Title:
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Publication URL:
Publication Date:
15 March 2020
A broadband low-profile L-probe fed metasurface antenna is proposed by well exciting both transverse magnetic (TM) leaky wave and transverse electric (TE) surface wave resonances. The metasurface is composed of an array of rectangular metallic patch cells. An L-shaped probe positioned underneath the finite metasurface is utilized to excite a TM leaky wave resonance and a TE surface wave resonance simultaneously for broadband operation. The dispersion properties of the TM leaky wave and TE surface wave are used to analyze the dual resonance modes. The proposed L-probe fed metasurface antenna achieves a broad −10-dB impedance bandwidth of 34.5% with the peak gain of 10.3 dBi and the front-to-back ratio larger than 18 dB with a low profile of 0.060, where 0 is the free-space wavelength at the center operating frequency.
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