Optimizing Radio Network Parameters for Vertical Sectorization via Taguchi's Method

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Optimizing Radio Network Parameters for Vertical Sectorization via Taguchi's Method
Optimizing Radio Network Parameters for Vertical Sectorization via Taguchi's Method
Journal Title:
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Publication Date:
05 March 2016
S. E. Nai, Z. Lei, S. H. Wong and Y. H. Chew, "Optimizing Radio Network Parameters for Vertical Sectorization via Taguchi's Method," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 860-869, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2401030
In vertical sectorization, multiple antenna elements form two beams to better serve users based on their locations in the cell. However, it is not known how to choose the radio network parameters to ensure good network performance and the amount of capacity gain achievable with vertical sectorization. In this paper, we propose an optimization approach based on the Taguchi’s method for vertical sectorization deployment in order to improve the 50%-tile and 5%-tile user throughput. Unlike conventional works, our proposal is a scientifically dis- ciplined approach optimizing jointly the downtilt angles, vertical beamwidths, and transmit powers of the two beams and taking into account the interaction amongst these network parameters. With the proposed method, the resulting 50%-tile and 5%-tile user throughput and the total network throughput outperform those of the conventional networks without vertical sectorization.
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