N. Liu, Z. He, C. K. T. Chow and H. T. Loh, "A Numerical Investigation of Particle Trajectory Inside Hard Disk Drives," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1890-1892, July 2011. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2141121
This work investigates the particle trajectory in a turbulent flow field and the interaction of particles with the disk surfaces in enclosed hard disk drives (HDDs) through numerical simulation. Two different models of commercial HDDs are used, and two types of particle with sphere and tetrahedral shapes are examined. The results indicate that both HDDs exhibit similar impact distribution patterns on the disk surface. Due to high turbulence intensity caused by the obstruction of the arm, the particles tend to impact areas located near the
arm which spreads from the middle to the outer radius of the disk. At each layer of the disk, impact counts increase from the innermost radius to the outermost radius, with the highest impact counts occur at the outermost radius. The simulation results provide useful information and can be used as a guideline in the design of HDDs and the arrangement of air filters inside HDDs.
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