Significant stress is induced in the crystalline Si area around a Cu-filled Through Silicon Via (TSV) due to
the large mismatch in the co-efficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between Si and Cu. As a result, CMOS
devices fabricated within the stressed Si region will show undesired variations in their electrical performance. This paper reports a novel method to isolate the TSV-induced stress from active CMOS devices through the formation of embedded air-gaps. As the air-gaps are embedded in the Si, stress isolation can be done without compromising on the usable Si area. Formation of the air-gaps have been demonstrated experimentally using a high temperature anneal in a de-oxidizing ambient. Stress reduction in the
Si lattice, in the presence of the embedded air-gaps, will be studied through thermo-mechanical stress simulation. Effect of the impact of air-gap design will also be discussed.
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