Yin F, Li R, Zhang Z, Cheng J, Xu Y, Wong DWK, Tan NM, Quan Y, Yow AP, Kavitha G, Xu G, Liu J: ACHIKO-M database for high myopia analysis and its evaluation. In: Chen X, Garvin MK, Liu JJ editors. Proceedings of the Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis First International Workshop, OMIA 2014, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, September 14, 2014. Iowa Research Online; 2014, p. 121-128, available from: http://ir.uiowa.edu/omia/2014_Proceedings/2014/16/
Myopia is the leading public health concern with high prevalence in developed countries. In this paper, we present the ACHIKO-M fundus image database with both myopic and emmetropic cases for high myopia study. The database contains 705 myopic subjects and 151 normal subjects with both left eye and right eye images for each subject. In addition, various clinical data is also available, allowing correlation study of different risk factors. We evaluated two state-of-the-art automated myopia detection algorithms on this database to show how it can be used. Both methods achieve more than 90% accuracy for myopia diagnosis. We will also discuss how ACHIKO-M can be a good database for both scientific and clinical research of myopia.