Evaluation and validation of a national WR-15 (50 to 75 GHz) power measurement system

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Evaluation and validation of a national WR-15 (50 to 75 GHz) power measurement system
Evaluation and validation of a national WR-15 (50 to 75 GHz) power measurement system
Journal Title:
2014 84th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG)
Publication Date:
04 December 2014
X. Cui, Y. S. Meng, Y. Shan, W. Yuan, C. Ma and Y. Li, "Evaluation and validation of a national WR-15 (50 to 75 GHz) power measurement system," 84th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference, Boulder, CO, 2014, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1109/ARFTG.2014.7013418
In this paper, we present some preliminary results from evaluation and validation of a national WR-15 (50 to 75 GHz) power measurement system, which has been upgraded for thermistor sensor (thermistor mount) measurements recently. The system is a physical realization of direct comparison transfer technique for microwave power sensor calibration. It has been evaluated and validated referring to a WR-15 microcalorimeter measurement system. Good performance has been observed preliminary, and some necessary improvement works have been planned in near future.
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