Concise synthesis of vesnarinone and its analogues by using Pd-catalyzed C-N bond-forming reactions

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Concise synthesis of vesnarinone and its analogues by using Pd-catalyzed C-N bond-forming reactions
Concise synthesis of vesnarinone and its analogues by using Pd-catalyzed C-N bond-forming reactions
Journal Title:
European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Publication Date:
14 October 2014
See, Y. Y.; Dang, T. T.; Chen, A. Q.; Seayad, A. M., Concise synthesis of vesnarinone and its analogues by using Pd-catalyzed C–N bond-forming reactions. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014, 2014, (33), p 7405–7412.
An efficient and concise synthesis of vesnarinone and its analogues from readily available starting materials and by using catalytic C–N bond-forming reactions is reported. In this protocol, a homogeneous Pd-catalyzed Buchwald–Hartwig amination and a supported Pd nanoparticles catalyzed aminocarbonylation were utilized as the two key reactions to prepare vesnarinone in an overall yield of 73 %. Sixteen analogues were also synthesized in up to 89 % overall yield.
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Funding Info:
This work was funded by “GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) – EDB (Ecconomic Development Board) Singapore Partnership for Green and Sustainable Manufacturing (GSM)” and the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (ICES), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: See, Y. Y.; Dang, T. T.; Chen, A. Q.; Seayad, A. M., Concise synthesis of vesnarinone and its analogues by using Pd-catalyzed C–N bond-forming reactions. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014, 2014, (33), p 7405–7412, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
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