Zheng Fang; Xin Peng Wang; Joon Sohn; Bao Bin Weng; Zhi Ping Zhang; Zhi Xian Chen; Yan Zhe Tang; Guo-Qiang Lo; Provine, J.; Wong, S.S.; Wong, H.-S.P.; Dim-Lee Kwong, "The Role of Ti Capping Layer in HfOx-Based RRAM Devices," Electron Device Letters, IEEE , vol.35, no.9, pp.912,914, Sept. 2014 doi: 10.1109/LED.2014.2334311
In this letter, we examine the role of the Ti capping layer in HfOx-based resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices on the memory performance. It is found that with a thicker Ti capping layer, the fresh device initial leakage current increases and as a result, the forming voltage decreases. In addition, with a thin Ti layer of
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