J. Zhou, W. Huang, S. K. Y. Chang, W. Xiong, T. Oo and W. Chen, "Longitudinal in-vivo volumetry study for porcine liver regeneration from CT data," 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, IL, 2014, pp. 4743-4746.
The use of hepatic-like cloned cord lining epithelial cells (CLEC) to enhance liver regeneration has been proposed, but has not been properly investigated in a large animal study. The paper presents a system developed for the longitudinal in-vivo volumetry study on porcine liver regeneration from computed tomography (CT) data. In this system, a rough 3D liver volume is firstly automatically segmented by a 3D mesh deformation-based method. Then a refinement step to eliminate the segmentation error is carried out by a 3D post-editing tool, followed by mesh-volume conversion and volume calculation. This system was applied in a pilot study, which was composed of 4/4 pigs in the Experimental/Control Groups, to measure liver volumes over pre- to post-operative time course. Experimental results suggest that (1) the developed system can perform CT-based porcine liver volumetry efficiently, and (2) the infusion of CLEC to liver remnant may potentially enhance the liver regeneration.
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Funding Info:
Joint Council Office, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (JCOAG03-FG05-2009)
National Medical Research Council, Ministry of Health (NMRC/EDG/1059/2012)
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