Y. Li, K. P. Tee, W. L. Chan, R. Yan, Y. Chua and D. K. Limbu, "Role adaptation of human and robot in collaborative tasks," 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, WA, 2015, pp. 5602-5607. doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139983
In this paper, a role adaptation method is developed for human-robot collaboration based on game theory. This role adaptation is engaged whenever the interaction force changes, causing the proportion of control sharing between human and robot to vary. In one boundary condition, the robot takes full control of the system when there is no human intervention. In the other boundary condition, it becomes a follower when the human exhibits strong intention to lead the task. Experimental results show that the proposed method yields better overall performance than fixed-role interactions.
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SERC Grant No. 1225100001
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