A. Khadka, K. Adachi, S. Sun, H. Zhu and J. Wang, "Cooperative Transmission Strategy for Downlink Distributed Antenna Systems over Time-Varying Channel," 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, CA, 2015, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2015.7417837
The channel state information (CSI) is used to optimise data transmission in time division duplex (TDD) systems, which is obtained at the time of channel estimation. The actual channel of data transmission at downlink time slot is different from the estimated channel due to channel variation in user movement environment. In this paper the impact of different user mobility on TDD downlink multiuser distributed antenna system is investigated. Based on mobility state information (MSI), an autocorrelation based feedback interval technique is proposed and updates CSI and mitigate the performance degradation imposed by the user speed and transmission delay. Cooperative clusters are formed to maximize sum rate and a channel gain based antenna selection and user clustering based on SINR threshold is applied to reduce computational complexity. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme can provide improved sum rate over the non cooperative system and no MSI knowledge. The proposed technique has good performance for wide range of speed and suitable for future wireless communication systems.
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