H. D. Nguyen, R. Zhang and S. Sun, "Improper Signaling for Symbol Error Rate Minimization in K -User Interference Channel," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 857-869, March 2015. doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2396511
The rate maximization for the K-user interference channels (ICs) has been investigated extensively in the literature. However, the practical problem of minimizing the error probability with given signal modulations and/or data rates of the users is less studied. In this paper, by utilizing additional degrees of freedom from the improper signaling (versus the conventional proper signaling), we seek to optimize the precoding matrices for the K-usersingle-inputsingle-output(SISO)ICstominimizepairwiseerrorprobability(PEP)andsymbolerrorrate(SER)withtwo proposed algorithms, respectively. Compared with conventional proper signaling and other state-of-the-art improper signaling designs,ourproposedimpropersignalingschemesachievenotable error rate improvement in SISO-ICs under both the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and cellular system setups with or withoutchannelcoding.Ourstudyprovidesanotherviewpointfor optimizing transmissions in ICs and further justifies the practical benefit of improper signaling in interference-limited communication systems.
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