Y. Jiang et al., "Novel strained SiGe/TaOx/Ta RRAM device fabricated by fully CMOS compatible process," Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (NVMTS), 2014 14th Annual, Jeju Island, 2014, pp. 1-4.
A novel strained SiGe/TaOx/Ta RRAM device is successfully demonstrated via a fully CMOS compatible process. The bottom electrode (BE) is made of strained single crystalline SiGe layer where both n type and p type SiGe layer as the BE. Typical bipolar switching behavior is obtained for such RRAM devices. Cycle to cycle uniformity are investigated in this work, and it is found that n type SiGe as BE shows better uniformity
due to the better dopant distribution for Arsenic than Boron in SiGe layer.
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