Investigation of temperature sensitivity under the influence of coupling strength between a silica core and a satellite waveguide in a photonic crystal fiber with selective infiltration of glycerin
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Investigation of temperature sensitivity under the influence of coupling strength between a silica core and a satellite waveguide in a photonic crystal fiber with selective infiltration of glycerin
Investigation of temperature sensitivity under the influence of coupling strength between a silica core and a satellite waveguide in a photonic crystal fiber with selective infiltration of glycerin
Kun Li, Jun Long Lim, Zhilin Xu, Dora Juan Juan Hu, Rebecca Yen-Ni Wong, Perry Ping Shum, Emily Jianzhong Hao, Yixin Wang, Qizhen Sun, Meng Jiang, Investigation of Temperature Sensitivity Under the Influence of Coupling Strength Between a Silica Core and a Satellite Waveguide in a Photonic Crystal Fiber with Selective Infiltration of Glycerin, Procedia Engineering, Volume 140, 2016, Pages 72-76, ISSN 1877-7058,
In this report, we carry out simulation and experimental investigations of directional coupler structures with different separations between the glycerin selectively infiltrated channel and silica core of a large mode area Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF). We assess their coupling characteristics and the corresponding temperature sensing capabilities. The temperature sensitivities of the glycerin selectively infiltrated channel adjacent to the silica core and two periods away from the silica core are -3.115 nm/°C and -2.332 nm/°C respectively. The glycerin selectively infiltrated channel three periods away from the silica core displays -107.8 pm/°C,
an order of magnitude less temperature sensitive. The simulation results agree with the experimental results that there is a strong
correlation between the coupling strength of the glycerin selectively infiltrated channel and the silica core, affecting its
temperature response.
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Funding Info:
This work is supported in part by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, and
in part by the Postgraduate Internship from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. K. Li acknowledges
funding from Donghua University’s Central Universities Fundamental Research Funds.