Shiyang Zhu; Guo-Qiang Lo, "Designs of Silicon MIS Phase Modulator With a Deposited AlN Film as the Gate Dielectric," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE , vol.27, no.11, pp.1236,1239, June1, 1 2015 doi: 10.1109/LPT.2015.2415484
We propose and analyze a silicon metal–insulator– semiconductor phase modulator based on a poly-Si/AlN/Si horizontal slot waveguide. The AlN gate dielectric exhibits an
inherent Pockels effect, which can provide additional phase modulation besides that provided by the free-carrier plasma dispersion effect of Si. The proposed modulator with an optimized geometry offers a high modulation efficiency of 0.95 V · cm for
the 1.55-μm transverse magnetic light even the electro optical coefficient of AlN (r33) is only 1 pm/V, which is ∼40% better than the SiO2 counterpart with the same equivalent oxide thickness. The modulation efficiency increases quickly with r33 increasing, reaching 0.2 V · cm when r33 is 10 pm/V.
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