Zhuo, V.Y.-Q.; Yu Jiang; Rong Zhao; Lu Ping Shi; Yi Yang; Tow Chong Chong; Robertson, J., "Improved Switching Uniformity and Low-Voltage Operation in {\rm TaO}_{x} -Based RRAM Using Ge Reactive Layer," in Electron Device Letters, IEEE , vol.34, no.9, pp.1130-1132, Sept. 2013 doi: 10.1109/LED.2013.2271545
Significant improvements in the spatial and temporal uniformities of device switching parameters are successfully demonstrated in Ge/TaOx bilayer-based resistive switching devices, as compared with non-Ge devices. In addition, the reported Ge/TaOx devices also show significant reductions in the operation voltages. Influence of the Ge layer on the resistive switching of TaOx-based resistive random access memory is investigated by X-ray spectroscopy and the theory of Gibbs free energy. Higher uniformity is attributed to the confinement of the filamentary switching process. The presence of a larger number of interface traps, which will create a beneficial electric field to facilitate the drift of oxygen vacancies, is believed to be responsible for the lower operation voltages in the Ge/TaOx devices.
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