A Study of Fabrication Process for L10 FePt-Based HAMR Media

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A Study of Fabrication Process for L10 FePt-Based HAMR Media
A Study of Fabrication Process for L10 FePt-Based HAMR Media
Journal Title:
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date:
02 December 2014
Jiang Feng Hu; Cher, K.M.; Yi Yang; Lay Geok Ng; Hnin Yu Yu Ko; Jian Zhong Shi; Tie Jun Zhou, "A Study of Fabrication Process for L10 FePt-Based HAMR Media," in Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.50, no.11, pp.1-4, Nov. 2014 doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2321424
The effect of the fabrication process on magnetic, textural, and microstructural properties of the L10 ordered FePt HAMR media with basic structure of NiTa/MgO/X/FePt-C/FePt-SiO2 was investigated. Compared to the one-step heating process, both post annealing and two-step heating processes enhanced the chemical ordering of FePt. The two-step heating sample demonstrated improved lateral grain isolation and smaller grain sizes. Results suggested that the higher deposition temperature could improve the phase separation of FePt and SiO2, thus improving the microstructure of FePt based granular films. Diffusion of Ta from NiTa seedlayer into MgO underlayer was also observed causing the amorphization of the MgO near the NiTa/MgO interface.
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