Study of Multilevel High-Resistance States in HfO<sub><italic>x</italic></sub>-Based Resistive Switching Random Access Memory by Impedance Spectroscopy

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Study of Multilevel High-Resistance States in HfO<sub><italic>x</italic></sub>-Based Resistive Switching Random Access Memory by Impedance Spectroscopy
Study of Multilevel High-Resistance States in HfO<sub><italic>x</italic></sub>-Based Resistive Switching Random Access Memory by Impedance Spectroscopy
Journal Title:
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date:
07 July 2015
Li, H.K.; Chen, T.P.; Hu, S.G.; Liu, P.; Liu, Y.; Lee, P.S.; Wang, X.P.; Li, H.Y.; Lo, G.Q., "Study of Multilevel High-Resistance States in HfOx-Based Resistive Switching Random Access Memory by Impedance Spectroscopy," in Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.8, pp.2684-2688, Aug. 2015 doi: 10.1109/TED.2015.2445339
Multilevel high-resistance states are achieved in TiN/HfOx/Pt resistive switching random access memory device by controlling the reset stop voltage. Impedance spectroscopy is used to study the multilevel high-resistance states. It is shown that the high-resistance states can be described with an equivalent circuit consisting of the major components Rs, R, and C corresponding to the series resistance of the TiON interfacial layer, the equivalent parallel resistance, and capacitance of the leakage gap between the TiON layer and the residual conductive filament, respectively. These components show a strong dependence on the stop voltage, which can be explained in the framework of oxygen vacancy model and conductive filament concept. On the other hand, R is observed to decrease with dc bias, which can be attributed to the barrier lowering effect of the Coulombic trap well in the Poole–Frenkel emission model.
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